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    • Can the pipe welder be fully automatic?
      In the process of using the welding machine, we need to have a certain understanding, not only the material is not required to be managed, in each production process is required special staff to take care of, so that the production line pro...
    • Why is the pipe making machine very popular?
      Why is the production line of stainless steel pipe making machine very popular? Because stainless steel tube machine produced stainless steel products have many advantages, the specific advantages of the following aspects. The first popular...
    Foshan ST Machinery Technology Co., Ltd
    Jimmy Liang:+86 13726340168 (whatsapp & wechat )
    Foshan City Nanhai District, New Industrial Park Road Industrial Park
    No. 17004625, Guangdong ICP
    Email: ed108jimmy@hotmail.com
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